Verification and calculation ofevidence hash values
To carry out this verification, download the digital evidence using GoCertius and open the tool provided. Once open, check you have selected the appropriate algorithm (SHA256 in our case) and input the downloaded evidence.
Validity: The hash value calculated by the tool should match the value recorded on GoCertius or those contained in the evidence certificates generated.
Note: This online tool is offered by a third party unrelated to GoCertius. If, for reasons of confidentiality, you need to verify the hash value of the file on an offline device, remember that there are console commands on your PC that allow you to calculate the hash value. Consult the help section of your operating system for more information.
Verification of registration of thetransaction on LACNet
To carry out this verification, you need to open the tool provided in the browser. At the same time, you need to log into GoCertius or access the details of the dossier/certificate and go to the details of the piece of evidence you want to verify. In the evidence detail window, click on the COPY TRANSACTION button at the bottom right. This will copy the transaction ID to the clipboard, which you then need to copy into the text box of the previously opened tool and click on the magnifying glass icon or hit enter. This will show the content of the recorded transaction, containing the hash value of the recorded evidence.
Verification of the evidencecertificate signature
To carry out this verification, follow the instructions given on each website or application. Please note that the RedSara and Adobe tools only check the validity of the signature within the document itself and the validity of the certificate used, but they do not indicate whether the signature is a qualified signature. In contrast, the EADTrust tool allows you to verify whether the signature is a qualified signature, that is, the type of electronic signature that grants the greatest legal certainty to the digital document and, therefore, to the evidence it contains.
Verification of the digitalfingerprint provided by EADTrust
To carry out this verification, you need to open the tool provided in the browser. At the same time, you need to log into GoCertius or access the details of the dossier/certificate and go to the details of the piece of evidence you want to verify. In the evidence detail window, click on the COPY BASE64 button at the bottom right. This will copy the digital fingerprint to the clipboard, which you then need to copy into the text box of the previously opened tool and click on the Decode button. This will show the fingerprint in question in readable format so that an expert can verify that the certificate and time stamp issued by EADTrust are legitimate.
To verify whether the time stamp matches the evidence, you can search within the browser (generally using control+F) and paste the hash value of the evidence into the search box. By clicking on Enter, you should find a match for the hash value under “Object identifier” with the value “SHA256”.